Is now the right time to delegate tasks?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you have thought about parting ways with some of your work load. Or maybe you’ve just overworked yourself into the ground and you’ve had enough. A work life balance is key for any successful individual or business. Accomplish the most out of your working week by delegating your unwanted tasks. This clears space in your head to really focus on what makes you happy, allowing room for new ideas. Starting simple, clearing and answering emails, to acknowledging comments on social media can really push your business to the next level. Paying invoices on time to data entry can really free an hour for you to complete what’s important to you.

In the UK, the average time spent by small businesses on administration alone is 120 hours a year. That’s 10 hours every month that you could be spending creating, brainstorming plans to elevate your business or investing in your social life. If you’re occupied doing admin and backend business tasks, that’s your precious time wasted.

BUT I get it. You want to do it all.

And you CAN do it all, but SHOULD you?